We've tried cached mode, online mode, we migrated her mailbox to a different DB.
I removed the group, and the test account still had all the normal group options and I could even right click on the 'Groups' folder in the left hand pane and browse for groups. I created a test account with the same exact settings as hers, added the test account to the group, and it shows up almost immediately. We've removed her from the group and re-added. When I go under options under my profile (same computer, same outlook) groups show up. If I go into options when I'm under her profile, the groups option isn't even there. I've built her profile in my Outlook and the groups don't show up, but they show up under my profile. It shows up in OWA and shows up in the Outlook phone app, but not the desktop app. Everyone else at the company has no issues with groups. I have a user in one of the Companies I support that isn't getting O365 groups in her Outlook. Been working on this for a week or so and Microsoft Support is proving to be pretty useless here.